Call for Papers
Submit your Research Paper
iWoar is an international workshop with conference character, which is organized by Fraunhofer IGD and the University of Rostock. This year's workshop is held in Berlin, the capital of Germany. The workshop focuses on Human Activity Recognition and Interaction with wearable sensors and related technologies.
All scientific submissions undergo a peer review process to assure high quality content being presented. We invite submissions, which target (but are not limited to) the following topics and applications:
Human Performance Measuring
Human Monitoring
Wearable Sensing in Healthcare Informatics Wearable Computing
Interaction Techniques
Intelligent User Interfaces
Input & Output modalities
Context Awareness
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Feature Extraction
Data Classification
Data Imputation
Signal Reconstruction and Interpolation
Technologies for Senior Living
Quantified Self
Lifestyle & Behavior Change
Pervasive Healthcare
Occupational Health, Health Care and Wellness
Telemedicine and Biotechnology
Assisted Production
Maintenance and Service
Alternative Control of Everyday Life's Products
Assistive Technologies for Urban Environments
We invite for academic research papers and for best-practice industrial research approaches. All submissions must follow the ACM SIGCHI Paper Format.
Accepted submissions will be published in the iWOAR 2018 Proceedings online in the ACM Digital Library.
Selected excellent papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their workshop submission for a special issue in the MDPI Sensors Open Access Journal.
MDPI offers a discount on the publication processing fee of 10% for iWOAR participants. In addition to this, authors from IOAP institutes will receive an extra discount (http://www.mdpi.com/about/ioap).
All scientific submissions undergo a peer review process to assure high quality content being presented. We invite submissions, which target (but are not limited to) the following topics and applications:
Human Activity RecognitionHuman Performance Measuring
Human Monitoring
Wearable Sensing in Healthcare Informatics Wearable Computing
Interaction Techniques
Intelligent User Interfaces
Input & Output modalities
Context Awareness
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Feature Extraction
Data Classification
Data Imputation
Signal Reconstruction and Interpolation
Application Fields:
Ambient Assisted LivingTechnologies for Senior Living
Quantified Self
Lifestyle & Behavior Change
Pervasive Healthcare
Occupational Health, Health Care and Wellness
Telemedicine and Biotechnology
Assisted Production
Maintenance and Service
Alternative Control of Everyday Life's Products
Assistive Technologies for Urban Environments

Selected excellent papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their workshop submission for a special issue in the MDPI Sensors Open Access Journal.

Submitting your Paper
Submitting your research requires the author to prepare a paper using the ACM SIGCHI Paper Format. Paper length is 4 to 10 pages (including references and appendix). The paper length can be exceeded for outstanding contributions.
ACM SIGCHI Paper Format
Microsoft Word Template
LaTeX Template
The paper should be submitted via EasyChair. In exception we also accept submissions via Email.
〉 Submit Paper 〈
Each accepted paper will be presented by one author in a max. 15 min talk. Note: to ensure a smooth process for everybody, please keep the deadlines in mind!

Microsoft Word Template
LaTeX Template
The paper should be submitted via EasyChair. In exception we also accept submissions via Email.
〉 Submit Paper 〈
Each accepted paper will be presented by one author in a max. 15 min talk. Note: to ensure a smooth process for everybody, please keep the deadlines in mind!